Why Glittered With Grace?

Why is my blog named Glittered With Grace? I wanted something that reflected who I am.  Writing is my escape, what heals me, and brings me peace and helps me find grace.  I have a depressive personality, charming I know.  It is a daily battle of bible reading, praying, and knowing that God meant more for my life than the heavy feelings I carry.

In comes the glitter, which by definition means – to shine with a bright, shimmering, reflected light – the light of our heavenly savior is how I envision it.  I am also a proud Texas woman and southern, where glitter is like face powder and macaroni and cheese at a potluck on Sunday.  I believe all women shine with strong feelings – happiness, sadness, excitement, grief, etc – all the emotions glitter off of us and we emanate them to our surroundings and family.  I want to emanate to my family and surroundings the feelings of hope, joy, and grace.  Don’t get me wrong all the other feelings – sadness, anger, grief – I do not want those hidden, I teach my family that we need to feel our feelings and express them to run the full gamut of the emotion for any given situation but with grace.

My family is in a season of grief right now.  We lost a great man last October and every holiday, gardening season, special event (we had a beautiful baby boy born to my son this year), we hurt from the sting of him being gone.  We talk about how happy he would be or what his advice would and also about how it just sucks, that he isn’t here.  We cry and let the tears fall…. and as I tell my beautiful oldest daughter.. fix your makeup and keep on moving.  That is what he taught us!

The first thing I ever wrote personally outside of high school was this great man’s obituary last year, it poured out of me like I was bleeding tears and God told me to start writing, he has been leading me here to this Glitteredwithgrace. My last words to the greatest man I ever knew Uncle, Father, Husband, Provided, Godly Man

I have shared a couple of definitions of glitter and grace below, looking up words is always eye opening to me… take a peek.. and come read more of my crazy, blessed adventures.  Happy Sunday!


 1. shine with a bright, shimmering, reflected light.
  1. “trees and grass glittered with dew”
    synonyms: shine, sparkle, twinkle, glint, gleam, shimmer, glimmer, wink, flash, catch the light;

    • shine as a result of strong feeling.
      “her eyes were glittering with excitement”


noun: glitter
  1. bright, shimmering, reflected light.
    “the blue glitter of the sea”
    synonyms: sparkle, twinkle, glint, gleam, shimmer, glimmer, flicker, flash; More

    “the glitter of light on the water”
a glint in a person’s eye indicating a particular emotion.
“the scathing glitter in his eyes”


  1. simple elegance or refinement of movement.
    “she moved through the water with effortless grace”
    synonyms: elegance, poise, gracefulness, finesse; More

    suppleness, agility, nimbleness, light-footedness
    “the grace of a ballerina”
    • courteous goodwill.
      “at least he has the grace to admit his debt to her”
      synonyms: courtesy, decency, (good) manners, politeness, decorum, respect, tact

      “he at least had the grace to look sheepish”
      antonyms: effrontery
    • an attractively polite manner of behaving.
      plural noun: graces
      “she has all the social graces
  2. 2
    (in Christian belief) the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.
  3. a short prayer of thanks said before or after a meal.
    “before dinner the Reverend Newman said grace”
    synonyms: blessing, prayer of thanks, thanksgiving, benediction

    “who would like to say this evening’s grace?”

3 thoughts on “Why Glittered With Grace?

  1. I have a daughter named Grace as well! I always adored that name and when my wife and I were thinking of names for her I said Grace. Her reply was oh my god I LOVE that name! At that moment we knew it was meant to be.


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